Mullah Ghulam research farm is located 5 kms away from the Bamyan city and covering 6.5 hectares land. It was established in 1346 (1967) before the revolution and during Zahir Shah’s rule. This is the only research farm for cereals and vegetables in Bamyan province. This farm consists of a 3-rooms building, a conventional washroom, and another 2 rooms for the guards and a warehouse for the storage of the crops. This was constructed with the financial support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation & Livestock and Afs 28,835,000 spent for its construction. Its construction started in 1390 (2011) and finished in the same year. In addition, a laboratory for cereals testing is constructed with the financial assistance of FAO in 1385 (2006). Previously, it was not functional due to civil war.
Current situation:
It is functional and it is the only research farm for the cereals specifically wheat. Every year, diverse verities of wheat is cultivated for the purpose of research and multiplication. Recently , this farm has started its research activities on vegetables also. The farm is fenced with the budget from the MAIL. Its water resources come from the canals. This farm is equipped with the basic agriculture tools and has 5 technical staff along with 4 contracted staff working in this farm.
- This farm has boundary walls however, spiked wire is still needed.
- Digging a well for the drinking purpose.
- Office equipments.
- 4 motor-cycles and its oils.
- Facilitating the farm with mechanization
- Establishing two new posts on plant diseases and irrigation in tashkil.
- Capacity building of the farm’s staff through short and long-term courses in and out of the country.
- Allocation of budget for the farm directly and through a delegation from the centre and agriculture department without transferring through Provincial Accountancy Directorate (Mustofiat) since it is time consuming and it is difficult to receive it on time and consume it at the required time.