Qargha’s Vegetable Research Farm was established in 1359 (1980) and initially it would cover 19.2 Jeribs land. This farm has been rehabilitated by MAIL after the decision of the Ministers ‘Council of that time. This farm focuses on the research activities of vegetables and fruits. Among the fruits, 48 types of grapes are collected from different parts of Afghanistan and kept in this farm as mother board. The area of the farm has expanded from the north of the farm, as a result of the research needs on the grape vines. The overall area of the farm is 34 Jeribs land.
Current Situation:
The farm does not have boundary wall. The farm has an ordinary 3-rooms building which has already amortized. A conex container is also present in the farm which is used as office. 2 plastic houses are also present in the farm which is facilitated with droplet irrigation system. The farm has electric facility as well as a large tent which is used as storage for the agriculture tools and equipments. The irrigation system of the farm is conventional. It also has a fully equipped tractor. The farm also has a special warehouse which is used to store potato seeds. All parts of the farm is covered with the experimental cultivation for research on vegetables and industrial plants. The farm lacks the experimental sets of vegetables and other known research resources.
- Construction of the boundary wall of the farm.
- Facilitating the farm with modern irrigation system.
- Construction of guards’ room.
- Construction of a warehouse.
- Construction of a modern green house for agriculture.
- Procurement of a transformer to boost the electricity and water-pump.
- Recruitment of agriculture skilled personnel.
- Procurement of vegetable experimentation sets.
- Procurement of chemical fertilizer and agro- chemicals.
- Procurement of plastic for plastic houses and establishment of
- Procurement of cultivation machine.