Cereal Crops

History cereals
In the past the department of cereal crops improvement, called crop improvement department.
In 1386 cereal crop improvement department is created by ARIA that entitled ‘directorate of cereal crops’.
In the past the germplasm department and dry land department were also under the cereal crop department and 4 people were the member of central office and 5 people were member of Darulaman Research Station. When the reform of civil servant started, the department of dry land and germplasm is separated from cereal crop department. In 1396 7 people are member of this department, but yet also not enough to cover the activity of departments.
Purpose of cereal crop department:
Deal to basic research, adaptive research that utilize the crop genetic resources of Afghanistan and foreign genetic resource, import by CIMMYT, ICARDA etc… to find the environmental adaptability, yield potential, resistance to disease and qualitative characters for release of the best varieties. The released varieties are used for several points recorded in the below:
1. Higher yield of the variety/ ha
2. To improve the farmer economics
3. To decrease the poverty and establishment of food security.
4. Decrease the cultivation of unwanted crops like poppy.
5. Develop the national economics/ GDP.
Format of cereal crop department:
1. Head of cereal crop department position grade 3
2. Wheat specialist 2 position grade 4
3. Paddy specialist 1 position grade 4
4. Maize specialist 1 position grade 4
5. Barley specialist 1 position grade 4
Achievements of cereal crop department:
From 2007-2017 the varieties that released by cereal crop department is in the below:
1. Bread wheat 30 varieties
2. Durum wheat 3 varieties
3. Paddy 4 varieties
4. Maize 7 varieties
5. Barley 4 varieties
Future plan of cereal crop improvement
Research on 1000-1500 lines of wheat that import by International NGOs like CIMMYT, ICARDA.
Research on paddy and maize trials and produce the breeder and foundation seed.
Implement of DUS trials
